Emergency: 911 | Non-Emergency: (920) 854-4021|sblgfd1@gmail.com
Construction Articles2022-02-04T11:03:50-06:00

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First Responder Services

The Sister Bay & Liberty Grove Fire Department First Responders (EMR) provide initial care and treatment to the sick and injured in Northern Door County. Our EMR’s are trained to a variety of levels including EMR, EMT and Paramedic. We work in partnership with the Paramedics from Emergency Services of Door County under a cooperative agreement, joint protocols and common medical direction.

By |SB & LG FD Services|

Sister Bay & Liberty Grove Volunteer

We appreciate your interest in the Sister Bay & Liberty Grove Fire Department and the community we live in and serve. As a Fire Department we are the second busiest in the County behind the city of Sturgeon Bay (full time) with over 120 Fire and 450 EMR responses per year.

By |People|

Building Inspiring Spaces

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